Our Vision, Mission, and Beliefs

Who We Are

North Henry Baptist Church is a family of followers of Jesus Christ who desire to honor God by applying His sufficient Word to all areas of life and ministry, by growing stronger, serving together, meeting needs, and strengthening others.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to glorify God by winning people to Jesus Christ and equipping them to be more faithful disciples.

Our Beliefs

We believe that God’s Word is sufficient and inerrant and that people who follow its life changing message can bring glory to God. We believe and rejoice in the message of the cross-that people can be forgiven through the blood of Christ and restored to a personal relationship with God.

Our Core Values

  • Growing Stronger – believing that God has a plan for every Christian’s growth, and that He wants Godly lives and families built.

  • Reaching Out – believing that a changed life enables us to reach those without Christ in a way that is faithful and creative.

  • Serving Together – believing that God wants us to challenge and equip our members to serve Him, and that He wants every member serving.

  • Meeting Needs – believing that our church should address community concerns by doing good works and sharing Biblical truths.

  • A Culture of Prayer – believing NHBC can and will pray its way to victory. We believe our church will be a center of prayer in and for our community. We know that prayer brings the spiritual awakening our world so desperately needs, and we want to be a church defined by prayer.